Электронная новостная рассылка, выпуск № 5

Vision eNews

RCT establish new office in North America

RCT’s North American team have been busy establishing its new office in Utah. “RCT is committed to the US and Canadian markets and creating a base in the region was crucial to support our clients and partners,” said Lyle Hobbs, RCT’s VP Business Development – North America. This fully equipped facility is now RCT’s North American headquarters, dedicated to better service the region.

Phase 1: Surface Teleremote for a silver and lead mine

The mine operator wanted to reduce Diesel Particulate Matter (DPM) exposure as well as employees’ exposure to noise and dust on site.

In order to remove employees from a potentially hazardous situation, RCT installed its ControlMaster® Surface Teleremote solution at the mine’s facility; allowing the underground loaders to be controlled from the safety of a unit on the surface of the mine.

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Большой успех на выставке MiningWorld Russia

“The overall vibe of the exhibition was exciting; all the visitors were really positive and well-receptive of our products and who we are as a business.” – Dave Holman, RCT Product Manager

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Delving deeper into the Canadian market

The RCT team were on hand to answer questions about the current product range on display which are significantly changing the way in which mining companies operate.

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ControlMaster® - Gold mine success

The gold producer incorporated the use of RCT Smart Technology, which has contributed to its success today. It is one of the few gold miners to pay a dividend in recent times.

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