Electronics Hardware Engineer - Kewdale, Western Australia


RCT is seeking an Electronics Hardware Engineer to join our dynamic design team at our Perth office, currently located in Kewdale.

RCT's strength is over 50 years of business success, resulting in harnessing 100% of Australia's mining activities and operations to incorporate RCT technology.

Working in the product development department, you will be part of a multidisciplinary engineering team focused on the development of embedded products. Your responsibilities will include electronic circuit design, prototyping, verification and maintenance thereof. You will have regular interaction with other hardware engineers, firmware developers and product managers. It is therefore vital that you are a team player and have exemplary communication skills.

Your focus will be creating and maintaining flexible multi-purpose products as part of our ongoing product rationalisation process. You will also be required to assist in supporting our existing mature product line, which may involve working with external suppliers and manufacturers.

To be successful you will be a productive and motivated individual, with strong technical knowledge, and have a commitment to delivering high-quality embedded products.

Knowledge and Experience Required:

Desirable Technical Skills:

What we offer:

RCT is a global Smart Technology company with a long history in the mining and industrial sectors. We are a leading provider of Automation and Control solutions for all mobile equipment in the mining industry and have an extensive range of solutions spanning five product families, all of which deliver our clients increased productivity, profitability and safety.

If you would like to be considered for this position and become part of a growing global friendly business, please email your resume to xx@xxx-xxxxxx.xxx.

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