RCT estará presente en CONEXPO 2020


Representatives from global smart technology company RCT will be departing the company’s office in Salt Lake City in Utah to attend one of North America’s largest trade shows CONEXPO taking place in Las Vegas.

The delegation is excited to partake and discuss the company’s suite of fleet management, automation and protection technologies with regional equipment manufacturers, machinery dealers and potential clients.

RCT has a large suite of proven technology options developed over 48 years of business supplying clients across the global materials handling and construction sectors.

RCT Senior Business Development Manager – Industrial Grahame Don will be attending the show along with Regional Manager for North America Andrew Sells and Account Managers Mike Judd and Ben Booth.

Mr Don said the company’s sales team is looking forward to attending the trade show.

“CONEXPO brings together major figures across the materials handling and construction industries all under one roof at the same time so it represents a valuable networking opportunity for us,” he said.

“RCT has a proud history of supplying proven technology to benefit heavy industries and this is backed up by after-sales support and local assistance through our North American branches.”

“We look forward to promoting the benefits of our technology to attendees and demonstrating how we can improve their operations.”

CONEXPO 2020 will be held at the Las Vegas Convention Centre from March 10-14.

Would you like to meet with the RCT team at CONEXPO? Get in touch with us at xxxxxxxxx@xxx-xxxxxx.xxx

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