Software enhancements have enabled users of Remote Control Technologies' Control Master Guidance System to - literally - step up a gear with mining equipment fitted with the technology. The company, meanwhile, is accelerating deployment of Control Master Guidance System's in offshore markets.
The latter effort is currently aimed mainly at Africa, with RCT having recently opened an office in Johannesburg, South Africa. However, the company has also reported good results from initial installations in Indonesia and is working to open up other markets.
RCT regional sales and marketing manager (Australia-Asia) Craig Buchanan said that the development of the V2 software upgrade for Control Master Guidance System was in line with the company's ongoing commitment to improve the product to optimise productivity.
"We've seen enhanced
[underground load-haul-dump vehicle]
speed and cornering, allowing the machine to get into higher gears faster," he said. "Speed around a 90-degree corner can be as much as 5km per hour faster - though this is always dependent on the size of the drive."
RCT has upgraded at least a dozen existing Systems and is fitting all new Guidance Systems with the V2 software.
Buchanan said a gold mine in Indonesia had reported productivity gains and reduced machine damage after adopting the Control Master Guidance System.
RCT senior business development manager Phil Goode said early stages of Control Master Guidance System deployment at gold mines in Mali and Ghana had progressed well, with positive feedback from the contractor at both sites.
In both cases RCT Teleremote Systems were used in stope-mucking operations, with auto-machine guidance to and from dump stations a valuable adjunct.
"RCT is completing installation, commissioning and training," Goode said.
"[The contractor] aims to mine more productively with Control Master Guidance System -equipped Teleremote loaders and national
operators while limiting wall strike damage to machines."
He said such applications were potentially widespread on the continent, where international mining investment continues to flow into a number of countries.
RCT has sold close to 40 Guidance Systems since the technology was officially launched last year. And more systems are on order now!