New Product Release - 'SmartSpot' LED Warning Light



Personnel in industrial sites are often desensitised or even oblivious to warning sirens and alarms as these can easily blend into ambient noise. This can essentially make conventional audible forklift alarms less effective, thus increasing the risk of an accident.

The solution?

The 'SmartSpot' LED warning light – specifically designed to project a blue or red spotlight on the floor that will visually catch the attention of all personnel in the vicinity or path of the forklift.

Your forklifts can now have the benefits of both visual and audible warnings to maximise awareness and safety.

This cutting-edge technology is energy efficient and delivers high-intensity indicators for long-range visibility, making it ideal in high-traffic areas, blind spots, dim working areas, narrow rack aisles, and confusing intersections.

Upgrade your forklift safety now with AusProTec's innovative and unique 'SmartSpot' – the perfect cost-effective solution for a considerably safer working environment.

SmartSpot LED Forklift Warning Light (Blue) Part No: 12416

SmartSpot LED Forklift Warning Light (Red) | Part No: 12429

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