A gold mine operation in Western Australia has successfully implemented the ControlMaster Guidance system which has resulted in improved sustainable operating and financial performance.
The gold producer, which took over the mine in 2010, incorporated the use of RCT Smart Technology, which has contributed to its success today. It is one of the few gold miners to pay a dividend in recent times.
Since taking over the mine, the company has procured and upgraded the following:
The mine has been using Teleremote for more than 3 years but deferred the decision to upgrade to the Guidance solution due to the current economic environment.
Following the company’s recent financial improvement and rising stock, the ControlMaster Guidance system was approved for installation on a Cat R1700 loader - with training and mine site support also provided by RCT.
The mine’s Project Manager advised RCT of the immediate benefit of the system after only 2 shifts, adding that more Guidance systems are under consideration.
Stay tuned for more on this project.